Annual Parish Meeting
An Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is an annual meeting held by all Parish Councils in England between March 1 and June 30. The meeting is a chance for the Parish Council and local organizations to share what they’ve been doing and to plan for the future, while also giving electors a voice.
The APM is a chance for electors to discuss parish affairs and have a say on what they think is important for the parish. It’s also a chance for the Parish Council and local organizations to share what they’ve been doing and to plan for the future.
Who can attend
Anyone can attend the APM, but only registered electors of the parish can speak and vote.
Who chairs the meeting
If there is a Parish Council, the Chairperson of the Parish Council chairs the meeting. If there isn’t a Parish Council, the meeting elects a Chairperson.
What happens at the meeting
The meeting typically includes reports from the Parish Council, County and District Councillors, and local community groups. It’s also an opportunity for electors to ask questions about issues affecting the village.
When does the meeting take place
The APM must be held between March 1 and June 30, and meetings shouldn’t start before 6 PM.
How are decisions madeThe Parish Council cannot make decisions on proposals at an APM, however, can add the proposals to a following agenda for consideration.
Agenda will be available to view one week before the meeting